Red Step Studio handcrafted terracotta tiles
Healing With Nature Tiles

Themes of healing and transformation are explored through richly textured tiles created with relief printmaking tools and techniques in this series that began as a special commission. Starting in the fall of 2008, I created 236 one of a kind ceramic tiles for the UC Medical Center in Irvine, California. The final of three phases was completed in January of 2010. A  framed 9" x 9" square tile is installed in each of the patient rooms of the medical center.

I have continued to make new tiles with the Healing With Nature concept. As a person's healing journey is foremost in my awarenes, I choose restful colors and plant forms as major components. The various small inset images and birds are symbols of healing and transformation; the berries and seed pods are metaphors for the patient germination time that precedes a new beginning.
Framed tiles are available in two sizes: 4" x 4" and 9" x 9".

Click here to view more Healing With Nature tiles: 4' x 4"  or  9" x 9" and more.